Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Work Nemesis

Before I begin my latest adventure-telling, I want to shout out my first 5 followers:
FCoppock, Angela, Wyniqua, Naja, and Renee you all ROCK!  As soon as, I get 10 followers I will do my very 1st giveaway!!!!

Back to our regularly scheduled program...

As I think about what tomorrow will bring after 2.5 days off from school, I am left the glaring reality that tomorrow I will have to tango with my nemesis.  I know that I am not alone in saying that I have a work NEMESIS!

I'm borrowing the 1st two definitions from
1. something that a person cannot conquer, achieve, etc.: The performance test proved to be my nemesis.
2. an opponent or rival whom a person cannot best or overcome.
This nemesis proves to be a worthy opponent and I keep trying to find ways to make nicey-nicey. After all, I am a pretty decent person and I just want to get along so that I can go about my day in peace.  Thus far, this has not happened!  I guess it's not truly 100% of dislike.  It has become more of a love-hate relationship.  I see the good qualities and benefits to having a pleasant relationship, but I just can't bring myself to fully accept my nemesis into my life.  You would think I would by now, but to no avail.

I took a picture of my nemesis for all to ready...ok...LOOK!

 Yup...there it is!  The daggone copy machine.  As Marvin Gaye said, "Makes me wanna holler!"

The copy machine line tomorrow will be pure morning madness.  I so envy the teachers who have everything copied by Friday, so that they walk in Monday morning with one less task to complete.  One day that will be me, but for now...ummm...NOT!

(I'm secretly happy that those teachers will be stuck in the long line tomorrow!  
Mwahahahahahaha *laughing in my demented bad guy voice*)

There is a little space on my schedule carved out to avoid such things, but I'm finding it difficult to make it happen.  Maybe tomorrow's impending fiasco will motivate me to enforce this aspect of my little boxes and stick to my schedule.

I fully intend to conquer this nemesis and make it more of a friend than foe before the end of the year...wish me luck!

This is Zuri's Umi...follow my chronicles!!!

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