Monday, January 16, 2012

My plate is full...

As I even write this one short post, I'm already hyperventilating about the other things on my to-do list that are being neglected in the name of procrastinating blogging.  I find blogging to be much like trying to write in my journal or scrapbook the ton of photos of my ain't working out.

I recently posted a facebook status about letting this blog go and received some very good advice to keep it.  So, I guess I'll listen.  However, this busy Umi seems to have gotten busier since I first posted.  I've come to the conclusion that this blog is a hit or miss kind of thing for now.  For those who are even slightly interested in hearing about my busy life, here's the breakdown:

Monday-Fridays: Teacher by day with 26 third graders currently being prepped for the PSSA (state testing)...can you sense my joy?
Tuesdays & Wednesdays: Graduate student two nights a week from 5-8pm...I catch public transportation home so I arrive home around 9ish.
Thursdays: Forced myself to do a little for me in the new year and I now Zumba on Thursday nights for an gut kanga-pouch is still here so I need to do a little more, but for now that's all I can spare.
Fridays: Prep for Saturday dance after work...
Saturdays:  I'm officially the director of my beloved dance program with an enrollment of 75+ dancers ranging from ages 2-16 years old and a staff of 5 amazingly talented women...we are celebrating 5 years of dance this year....wooo-hoooo!!!!!
Sundays & Mondays is prep day for my work week and grad classes...

Oh and did I mention that my husband and I just bought a house and are trying to move by the end of the month....

....and somewhere in there I have to try to spend time with my super amazing 2 year old and my adoring husband....


I've come the conclusion that there will be no real play time until my semester is over in April...I'm looking forward to blooming with the flowers in spring....
Until then, I'll post when I can or when the inspiration hits me....

On a positive note: My plate could be empty, right? Right!

This is Zuri's Umi...follow my chronicles!!!

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