Sunday, March 31, 2013

I Gave Birth to an Angel

In Loving Memory of our Sweet Angel Baby
Amadi Ekundayo Green

Conceived                                                 Born into Heaven                                Due Date
October 2012                                            January 19, 2013                                 July 29, 2013


On Saturday, January 19, 2013 at ~9:15 p.m., at 12 weeks and 5 days pregnant, I gave birth to an angel. It was one of the hardest and most beautiful things that I ever did in my life.  With the love, support, and encouragement from the midwives at The Birth Center, my husband, family, and village, I had a natural miscarriage at home.

I am writing about this today, because I am finally physically letting go of my angel with a memorial/burial service.
Today, I celebrate Amadi's Ascension.

In the very near future, I hope to post a series of vlogs of Amadi's story.  Below I have included the letter that will be buried with Amadi and also sent to the heavens via a white balloon.

To my Sweet Angel,

I want to begin by explaining your name. Amadi means “Rejoice” and Ekundayo means “Sorrow brings joy”. When a name is called, it is like a chant to and for the person.   A name is supposed to be a reminder of one’s Divine purpose.  Your name was hand selected so that you could bring about joy and hope.  In the midst of all of our sorrow, you have brought so much joy into our hearts and our home. 

For 5 weeks and 5 days, you grew and thrived within me without me knowing.  I wish I would have known, so that I could have had those moments with you.  But alas, I did not.  Instead, I choose to embrace the joy in knowing that I carried you for 12 weeks and 5 days within my womb. I know that it was no coincidence that the day you were born into heaven that Zuri, Baba, and I were cuddled on the bed as I awaited your arrival.  It was not the arrival that I had hoped for, but it was just as magical and spiritual as the day that I gave birth to our living angel aka your big sister, Zuri. 

We chose to remember your life on Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013.  The spiritual energy seems fitting for such an occasion for on this day it is believed that Jesus Christ was resurrected from the dead and ascended into heaven.  So, we chose to acknowledge your ascension into the spiritual realm on this day as well.

Sweet baby, I miss you with every fiber of my being.  I know that you entered my life for a deeper purpose, and I will continue to seek that purpose until all is made clear.  Your existence shall not be in vain.

Even though I never had the opportunity to hold you in my arms, please know that I hold you in my heart for all of eternity.

With an overabundance of love,


PS-Please make your way back to us at the divinely appointed and anointed time! I have included a picture so that you may remember from which family you came.

Thanksgiving 2012                                                        

In this picture, I was about 4 weeks pregnant with you, my sweet angel!


Sending a Team Green kiss to heaven just for you!

Sending out positive vibes and healing energy to any other Angel Mamas or Babas who may be reading this blog.  

I find comfort in knowing that I was picked to add energy to the spiritual world....Yes, I gave birth to an Angel!

This is Zuri and Amadi's Umi....follow my chronicles!!!

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